From Breasts to Sex
Decades ago I co-authored a book to heal and empower women. Today I'm writing books to heal our sexuality.
As I write books and publish articles to inspire what I believe to be an urgent conversation about the hidden connections between sex, society, and even survival, I’ve been thinking about the book I co-authored with my then-wife, Daphna, more than four decades ago. That book was also about our sexual culture, specifically about women’s experience. And particularly about their breasts!
In hindsight, I can see how that unique experience of researching and writing that book sowed the seeds for my recent work about sex.
BREASTS: Women Speak About Their Breasts & Their Lives was published in 1979 by Summit Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster. An 8.5 x 11 coffee table-size book, formatted like Our Bodies, Ourselves, it was a profusely illustrated documentary not only about women’s breasts but also their intimate experiences in our “mammary mad” culture.