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Did Jesus Have a Secret Sex Life? Is Sex the Secret of Trump's Appeal? Can a Species Ashamed of the Way It Creates New Life Survive? Asking New Questions About Sex is Key to Our Sexual Healing.

I. J. Weinstock's "Questioning Sex" articles probe our sexual story.

Since September is Sexual Health Month, it’s a good time to ask new questions about sex. I’ve written a lot about our sexuality in varied and sometimes controversial ways. In fact, I warn potential readers: “You’ll never think about sex in the same way again!”

My fantasy series, THE SECRET SEX LIFE OF ANGELS, explores the outer limits of that mystery we call “sex” and reimagines our sexuality as a “sacred superpower.” According to one recent reader, the series “contains some of the most extraordinary sex scenes ever written…or imagined!”

In my nonfiction book, OUR SECRET SEX LIFE, I reveal the hidden connections between sex and society. Beyond procreation and pleasure, how we conceive of, feel about, and engage in sex determines relations between men and women, dictates the dynamics of family, and ultimately influences the values and structures of society. And so the “story” we tell ourselves about sex defines our humanity and shapes our society.

Since sex is so consequential, I’ve written a series of “Questioning Sex” articles that include:

· Is a “Pussy” By Any Other Name the Same? If language reflects our beliefs, why does our sexual language express so much shame?

· If AI is an Existential Threat, Can Upgrading Our SEX OS Save Us From the Robots? Is our body the last refuge from artificial mind? Is the answer to the threat of dehumanization posed by AI hidden between our legs?

· Is the Porn-ification of Puberty and Sex Ed a Ticking Time Bomb? Is the increasing violence in our society a side-effect of porn becoming the de facto Sex Ed of our youth?

· Is Our Sexual Shame to Blame for How We Can Be Manipulated for Political Gain? Can we be politically free if we’re not sexually free?

· Is Sex a Public Health Crisis? Has humanity been polluted by millennia of toxic sexual shame?

By questioning our “story of sex,” whether speculating about Jesus’ sex life or the sexual secret of Trump’s political appeal, I hope to inspire a cultural conversation and, ultimately, our collective sexual healing.

With humanity facing a gathering storm of self-inflicted, existential crises, it’s crucial that we heal the trauma of our collective sexual shame. Not just for better sex lives, but for society’s health and, ultimately, civilization’s survival.


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